总观点:I side with the latter.
中间段1:wealthy governments and large companies undoubtfully play important roles in solving world hunger. In Africa, where many improvised people suffer from famine caused by extreme weather, constant warfare, or lack of necessary resources to support agriculture. Therefore, there is where wealthy governments and large companies, like America and Nestle, can step in. ...
中间段2:However, it does not mean ordinary people on the same planet can stand by. The rest of us can help solve the hunger problem in their own country by not wasting their food. Nowadays, on the one hand, people usually purchase Big Mac at McDonald’s for it sells comparably cheaper than other burgers, even though they cannot eat up the whole big burger. .. 如果…
Second, ordinary people can also take the imitative to solve the problem to protect the environment. For example, 保护水环境, 空气…
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Students do reading by their own personality is as important as, or more important than reading assigned by teachers.
1. “as important as, or more important than”---利弊题型,比较2种选项的好处/坏处。此题出现了极为少见的“as important as 同等重要”,如果同学们觉得不熟悉,不知道如何论证,就推荐大家选择论证“more important than”哪种选项更重要,这种常规的/学过的题目论证。
2. “Students do reading by their own (personality)”:学生根据自己的兴趣,爱好,(个性)读的书就比较广泛了,比如杂志:时尚杂志Vogue, Vanity Fair(名利场),Forbes(福布斯), comic books 连环画… 也包括小说,Hurry Potter 哈利波特, Three Body三体;名人传记biography:Steve Jobs; Jack Ma.. …
3. “reading assigned by teachers”:老师布置的阅读一般是跟学科有关,比如相关的阅读文献references, paper, 或者有关的书籍,比如我们读高中的时候,学莎士比亚的《Romeo and Juliet》片段的时候,老师就推荐我们去看完整部戏剧…
4. 通过写作团讲过的9大角度分析,可行的分论点角度:
总观点: 我赞同学生自己读自己喜欢的书比老师布置的书更重要。
中间段2:学生读自己喜欢的书可以真正让他们找到自己的潜能potential 和兴趣所在where interest lies.一个对数学课感觉无聊的学生可能通过阅读Vogue 发现自己对于时尚的热情。一个无法领略莎士比亚经典台词的学生可能在阅读关于Jack Ma是如何把阿里巴巴做大的传记biography后才明白自己对商业的热爱..
中间段3:学生自己读的书更有利于培养他们对读书的兴趣。不管是中学生还是大学生,学生们为了升学和求职所承受的压力已经很大了,如果他们在课外还不能按照自己的心愿(at will)去看些自己喜欢的书,哪怕是没有意义的comic books,只能按照老师规定的数目去读一些所谓so called经典书籍,学生会得不到一丝放松和乐趣。学生会觉得读书只是为了考试取得好成绩,除此之外,就不会主动take the initiative to去读书了,从此丧失了对阅读的兴趣,这才是教育的最大损失。