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来源:网络 2015-12-03 编辑:朗阁小编 雅思托福0元试学



Task 1:

1. Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Teachers, famers, doctors.

Sample answer:

I think teachers make the biggest contribution to society. If you’re thinking of it from the base level of young children, four and five year-olds who have not yet entered school, how do they eventually become doctors? How do they become business leaders and scientists and writers and chefs and engineers? They have to be taught. They not only have to be taught the specifics of their field when they’re old enough, but they have to be taught general information throughout their childhood to even get them to the point of having a career. No matter what a person eventually contributes to society, there’s a good chance that at some point in their life they were inspired and taught by a teacher.


2. Describe an area in your city that you like the most. Explain why you like this area the most.

Sample answer:

In the city that I live in, I love the area called the Creative Park the most. It’s actually an area housing more than a dozen stores selling creative products. I love this place mainly for two reasons. First, I like the styles of indoor decoration in many of the stores there. From the outside they look not much different from an ordinary store, but when you get inside, you can feel the difference in all the little details around you, like the color of the carpet, the shape of the door knob, an exquisitely designed price tag, or an old-fashioned gramophone etc. Another reason is the things you can buy in the Park. These include CDs, videos, paintings, handicrafts, toys, etc. Many of them are limited or customized editions. This makes them unique, more interesting and more valuable.


3. Describe a day that you enjoyed the most or was the most special to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.

Sample answer:

My 6th birthday was a really great day. A whole bunch of my classmates and I went to the petting zoo and played with all the animals. We got to pet the goats and rabbits and feed them little handfuls of food. Then, the best part, all of us kids got to take turns riding a pony around the barnyard! I still remember her name was Sheba and she was gray with pretty, almost silver speckles. I’m sure she was walking pretty slowly in her little circle, but to a six year-old it was like a rollercoaster ride! Then my parents brought out the ice cream cake. It was so delicious! I still enjoy birthdays now, but something about birthdays when you’re a little kid is just extra exciting. Those are some of my best memories.


Task 2:

1. Do you agree or disagree with the following question? In order to stay happy, you must have a job that you love doing.

Sample answer:

I kind of agree with this. I don’t think you have to do a job that you love in order to stay happy. I mean, it is possible for a person to be happy even if he or she is doing something that’s not completely enjoyable. If you’re a struggling sculptor, for instance, who is working at a grocery store to be able to pay your rent, I don’t think that’s a reason to be unhappy! Sometimes you need to take any job you can; there’s no shame in that. Just continue to work on your sculptures on the weekends and never give up on your passion. Keep it alive. And maybe someday you will find steady work as a sculptor. It’s completely possible.


2. What will you do when you need to find an answer to a question: to ask a teacher, to search the Internet, or to read a book?

Sample answer:

When I need to find an answer to a question, I prefer to search the Internet. I think this is the fastest and the most reliable way to get an answer. First, because I carry a smartphone with me every day, I can get access to the Internet almost any time I want. To me, getting an answer is as simple as putting in a key word in the search box. Often you’ll find that there are already many people asking the same questions, and the answers to these questions are often ranked in an order of relevance or readers’ ratings, which make them much more trustworthy. By contrast, a teacher is not always around when you need to ask them a question. And as to the book, well, you have to be very lucky to find the exact piece of information from hundreds of pages. It’s just too time-consuming.


3. Some people prefer to have classes during the day and do part-time jobs in the evening while others prefer to have classes in the evening and do part-time jobs during the day. Which do you prefer?

Sample answer:

I prefer to have classes during the day and a part-time job in the evening. That’s mainly because if I’m in a lecture class in a warm dark room and it’s getting later into the evening, there’s a very good chance I’m going to be falling asleep at my desk. That’s not helpful to my studies and it definitely doesn’t make my professors happy if they notice. So, I much prefer to go to class in the daytime when the sun is shining and I’m wide awake. I might still be sleepy at my evening job, but at least there I’m continually engaged by my co-workers and customers. They kind of keep me alert. I’m talking to people and not just sitting in silence. I feel like everything just works out better that way.







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